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On March 22, 2025, the Wisconsin Supreme Court suspended jury trials throughout the state in response… [more]

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James Wilson, a founding father from Pennsylvania, once said that “[l]aw and liberty cannot rationally… [more]

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ILLINOIS FELONY FACT SHEET Felony Defined: A serious crime that has a possible prison term of 1 year… [more]

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For Immediate Release Contact: David E. Smith 773-858-6602 Email: s.david@illinoisfamily.org Illinois… [more]

Historians Impeachment Manifesto Gets It Wrong on Law and History
A headline that 700 “historians” called for the impeachment of President Trump took me back to the… youtube怎么上

Constitution Educational Series

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On March 22, 2025, the Wisconsin Supreme Court suspended jury trials throughout the state in response to the corona virus pandemic. Justice Rebecca Bradley, joined by Justice Daniel Kelly filed a … [Read More...]
Read more from the Constitution Educational Series
Constitution & Its People

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James Wilson, a founding father from Pennsylvania, once said that “[l]aw and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our … [Read More...]
YouTube新玩法:不让你跳广告但给你更好的内容_新闻频道 ...:2021-4-28 · 作为全球视频网站的领跑者, YouTube的一举一动总是能伟表这个领域最新的发展趋势。所伡,让我伞不妨来想一想YouTube为何要做出这些改变吧。
General Law

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ILLINOIS FELONY FACT SHEET Felony Defined: A serious crime that has a possible prison term of 1 year or more. Some felonies carry terms of up to 60 years. Murder is a felony, but has special rules … [Read More...]
Read More about the General Law
Legal News

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For Immediate Release Contact: David E. Smith 773-858-6602 Email: s.david@illinoisfamily.org Illinois Pastor Sues Sheriff and State’s Attorney to Ensure Religious Liberty Cites IL Governor … [Read More...]
Guest Commentary & Reflections
《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击-中青在线:2021-1-22 · 《2021年度网络空间安全报告》公布10大勒索软件攻击:《报告》指出,全球约6300个平台提供勒索软件交易,勒索软件在2021-2021年期间的销售量增长了约2502%,恶意分子倾向于加密被感染设备的数据,向受害者勒索加密货币(伡比特币为主 ...

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2025免费 v p n
A headline that 700 “historians” called for the impeachment of President Trump took me back to the day that sent me on a personal and at times quixotic journey to spread the history, values and … [Read More...]